my little dreamer...
Yes, finally got the blog started back up. For all of you that joined me on Belleocchio, thanks for following me over to here.. my new blog, Annaoj.
For those of you who don't know.. Annaoj is the name of my label, my design company and my artist signature. And now, read on if you'd like to know why someone would choose such an odd name for their life-long work. Well, it all started in the 8th grade. Doesn't every silly idea? Well, this one stuck. Or I stuck myself with it. I am sure I was dreaming and doodle-ing (most likely when I was supposed to be doing homework) when I came up with the name Annaoj Airam. The name of my fashion house that would grace the pages of Vogue, my signature couture line, the oh-so-important label that would be on everyone's rear (when they were wearing my denim, of course), the sign over my boutique in new york and paris. Yes, I had a plan and it all came together when I wrote my name backwards. There it is. Joanna Maria.. Annaoj Airam. But, please, pronounce it correctly. Not Anna-Oh-Jay (as my mom would say) but think french, fashion, sexy and let it roll... ANNA-ahhjuh. (pronunciation? dunno. this one clearly isn't on webster.com) Try again. ANNA-ahhdge. Ay yi yi. Well, even if you can't say it.. it is what it is. Not exactly the best formula for brand marketing. But it has stuck thru design school, thru my twenties and into my thirties... let's stop there. It is over 20 years old! Excuse me while I go put on some wrinkle cream. Ouch.
So, here we are. Still pursing my dreams, although they have evolved over the years. Spent over 15 years as a design professional, many years experimenting in the kitchen (some of which getting paid for), much travel around the globe and a whole lot of learning. There is no Annaoj fashion house in nyc or paris. Most of the design work I have done in my professional life has been for others recognition and profit but that hasn't been a bad thing either, as looking back I am grateful to have been fortunate to have work all these years usually doing what I love. Creating. Travel expanded my world to beyond my backyard, my city, my country, my dreams... for that I am grateful. My life has been blessed; most recently, with the addition of my beautiful daughter, Scarlett Giulia. Julia is the namesake of my dad's mom.. spelled in the Italian way.
So, join this jersey girl in my quest to surrender to the beauty of life. I will share what's happening here, just like before.. design, recipes, style, tips, interviews, finds .. whatever. Exactly. Get ready for a whole lot of whatever. ;)
...and yes, a whole lot of her!
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